Environmental Design and Governance(EG)

SHAW Rajib Professor, Program ChairpersonCreating Innovators in Environmental Design at SFC

SHAW, Rajib
Professor, Program Chairperson

This Program aims to create professionals who can comprehensively utilize planning and design, management and business, and policy and systems, in order to solve the various environmental issues in society on an individual and global scale.

Issues in the environment can be understood as crossing borders on multiple scales. For example, even a small residence could affect a local cityscape while receiving its supply of energy from areas far away, and eventually influence the climate of the entire planet.

Our happiness as human beings is deeply connected to various issues in nature and society, including the sharing of the earth's resources, the balance between cities and nature, and the linkages between social maturation and the revitalization of local economies.
Finding solutions to these issues is an unprecedented challenge for human society, which, ever since the Industrial Revolution, has pursued an affluent lifestyle requiring international trade based on mass production and energy consumption.

The EG Program desires highly motivated students who will reexamine the lifestyles and social models of the 20th century to create a sustainable future in harmony with the earth's entire social and ecological system. Emphasis is placed on one's ability to reflect on the connection between global environmental awareness and specific ideas for manufacturing and design in local spaces. Our major goal is that through the innovation of information technology we will gain a comprehensive understanding of these issues,which have until now been researched independently through separate specialties in the traditional academic system.

The EG Program develops the individual talents of students who will not be limited by the restrictions of conventional specialized fields, and fosters rich and creative ideas while producing the skills and spirit that will engender new spatial designs and environmental businesses.

Affiliated Academic Projects

  • Climate Change and Disaster Risk Governance System for Sustainable Development
  • Embodiment Design Program
  • Fusion and Expansion of Architecture
  • Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Service
  • Smart Mobility (Society)
  • Smart Mobility (Technology)
  • Wooden Structure Design
  • xSDG


List of Academic Project

Faculty Members

Member List(EG)

Possibilities after Graduation

Those graduating in this Program are expected to work as specialists in landscape design, architecture and urban planning. They may also find work as planners, researchers and / or coordinators in the field of politics, environment, urban development, real estate, transportation and financial sectors. Furthermore, students will be able to qualify for the national test for First-class Architects and Building Engineers (Ikkyu Kenchikushi) by earning prescribed credits.