Admissions and Aid

Graduate (GSMG)

For Graduate School of Media and Governance

For Graduate School of Health Management

Graduate Scholarships

Keio website: Scholarships

Scholarships for International Students

Keio International Center website: Scholarships

Scholarships of The Graduate School of Media and Governance

Available Scholarships Prior to Entering Graduate School of Media and Governance

1. "Design the Future" Award for International Students

2. Japanese Government Scholarship (Japanese only)

3. GAO Scholarship

4. Research Encouragement Scholarship

Please refer to the following link for further information on available scholarships.
Available Scholarship Information

GAO Scholarship

The GAO Scholarship is awarded by the Graduate School of Media and Governance to exceptionally meritorious students who are admitted to the master's program. The scholarship gives a waiver to selected students for their first year tuition and registration fees. The GAO Scholarship may continue to be offered for up to two years until the completion of the coursework if the scholarship recipient maintains an excellent academic record and fulfill the requirements for the following year. Scholarship recipients will be selected from all applicants and decided after the admission examination result announcement.

Keio Research Encouragement Scholarship

The Keio Research Encouragement Scholarship is awarded to the students who have high research motivation and expected to achieve outstanding research in the future. Amount of this scholarship is 300,000 yen/year (tentative). Selected from among entrance examination applicants, recipients will be decided after the announcement of successful applicants to the Graduate School of Media and Governance.