- 2020.03.19
- URL for Video Relay in Place of AY 2019 Undergraduate and Graduate Commencement Ceremonies
- 2020.03.18
- [For Keio students] Changes to AY2020 Academic Calendar
- 2020.03.09
- Hosting of Events and Other Functions Involving Keio Students (Measures Against COVID-19 [Coronavirus Disease])
- 2020.03.05
- Video Relay in Place of AY 2019 Undergraduate and Graduate Commencement Ceremonies
- 2020.02.26
- [Important Notice] Pneumonia Associated with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- 2020.02.26
- Events Hosted by the University and Events Involving Keio Students, Faculty, and Staff Members (Measures for Covid-19 [Coronavirus Disease])
- 2020.02.26
- Toward the Realization of an Environment that is Truly Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive
- 2020.02.26
- Measures for Covid-19 (coronavirus disease) at the Commencement and Entrance Ceremonies
- 2020.02.14
- [For Keio Students, Faculty, and Staff Members] Pneumonia Associated with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)(Part 3)
- 2020.02.05
- [Important Notice] Pneumonia Associated with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus
- 2020.02.05
- [For Keio Students, Faculty, and Staff Members] Pneumonia Associated with the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (Part 2)
- 2019.12.17
- Multidirectional Writing Modes Introduced with the Announcement of CSS Writing Modes Level 3
- 2019.12.09
- Notice on power outages at SFC in Academic Year 2019(Dec.8, 15)
- 2019.11.13
- "S-face" vol.32 takes up Associate Professor Etsuko Soeda, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care.
- 2019.11.01
- Bus Service Notice for Monday, November 4 ⇒ the bus operate on a holiday schedule.
- 2019.10.28
- A convenience store becomes a "virtual power plant"
- 2019.10.28
- SFC Open Research Forum (ORF) 2019
- 2019.10.11
- Temporary closure of cafeterias and stores
- 2019.10.10
- Notice on approaching Typhoon No. 19
- 2019.10.10
- Cancellation of the Fall Festival on 10/12
- 2019.10.10
- Possible Cancellation of the Fall Festival on 10/12 Due to Typhoon No. 19
- 2019.09.27
- Opening of the Lawson Keio SFC and Kamoike Lounge
- 2019.09.19
- xSDG Laboratory & xSDG Consortium, Keio Research Institute at SFC, Keio University Symposium in NY(23rd September, 2019 )
- 2019.08.08
- Notice of SFC official website suspension due to summer maintenance of network/server(Aug. 9th, 2019)
- 2019.07.04
- Bus Service Notice for Monday, July 15
- 2019.06.12
- xSDG Laboratory & xSDG Consortium, Keio Research Institute at SFC, Keio University Symposium in NY(16th July, 2019 )
- 2019.05.30
- The W3C at the Keio Research Institute at SFC receives the Technology & Engineering Emmy Award for the Second Time
- 2019.05.15
- The redesigned GIGA homepage has been launched.
- 2019.04.19
- Bus Service Notice for Monday, May 6
- 2019.04.17
- AO2020 Screening Overview for the Faculty of Policy Management and the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, and Changes to the Admission Quota (General Entrance Examinations / AO Screenings)
- 2019.04.07
- KGRI"The Emerging Social Order of Data Colonialism: Why Critical Social Theory Still Matters!" Talk@Mita Campus(Apr.16)
- 2019.02.20
- Professor Jun Murai Awarded Knight of the Legion of Honor by French Government
- 2019.02.14
- AY 2019 Undergraduate Entrance Ceremony
- 2019.02.14
- AY 2019 Postgraduate Entrance Ceremony
- 2019.02.14
- "Roundtable Discussion with KGRI Initiative Leaders Moderated by KGRI Director Masato Yasui" - The Future According to the Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI) -
- 2019.02.07
- Pleating Machine 2: Ko Nakajima x Yutaka Matsuzawa ― Rooms in the Photographs
- 2019.02.07
- Standing Point II Ana Mendieta @MITA Campus
- 2019.02.07
- 【The Keio Medical Science Prize 2019】Call for Nominations
- 2019.01.09
- "Keio Astrobiology Camp2019" at Tsuruoka Town Campus of Keio
- 2018.12.14
- Ambarvalia VIII: Junzaburo Nishiwaki: Influence and Reception 1/19@Mita Campus